Monday, October 8, 2007

Advertising does work…

Have any of you seen the new Sun Life commercial featuring the song ‘Ordinary Miracle’ by Sarah McLachlan?

The very first time I saw the commercial, I was hooked. I recognized the song and the voice, but didn’t know the name of the song. I did remember the commercial and the fact that it was for Sun life.

Its brilliant advertising on their part: timing the feel good ad with Thanksgiving. I have been following Sun Life’s stock for a while, and it makes me want to buy the stock even more now!

It also ties to my current state of mind. I have decided to stop aspiring for a while, and just be. I am just going to enjoy mba school and not worry about missed opportunities, the post mba career, the massive debt on graduation, or whether I am in the right job currently.

I feel quite calm and at peace with all the areas in my life. I realized that you can’t rush anything in life. It’s okay to take a side seat and just enjoy the view. It doesn’t mean I don’t have future plans, but once in a while it’s good to follow the ‘just be’ philosophy, instead of ‘just do it’ one.

It’s a wonderful feeling when you reach this zen like state. Nothing anyone says can alter it. Let’s see how long it lasts! ;) lol.

Happy Thanksgiving!


moser17 said...

Hi B.J.,
Re: the Sun Life commercial with 'Ordinary Miracle': that's not Sarah McLachlan singing, is it? It just doesn't sound like her to me. Do you know much more about this? In any case, it's a great version and a great voice; it would be great to know who it is, if it's not S.M.
Fun blog.

moser17 said...

FYI: I found out that it's a jazz singer named Emilie-Claire Barlow.


Bridget Jones said...

Hi Robbie. You beat me to the punch! thanks for the info.. her voice really does sound like Sarah's.. on the commercial anyway...

Unknown said...
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