Monday, November 5, 2007


That’s what I feel like I am doing lately. Everything seems to be happening all at the same time. Had the accounting exam last week, and I think I did well. My mom said the nicest thing on the day of the exam. She forgot which course I had the exam for, and when I told her it was accounting, she said ‘Oh good! Your favourite subject!’ Her words stayed with me though the whole accounting exam, and I think I wrote a good exam. Fingers crossed!

I have the Stats exam next week, and it is definitely not my favourite course. I really don’t feel like studying for it, and I barely opened the stats textbook this past weekend. I was hoping to take a couple days off however it is my busy time at work, and I doubt I can take days off. I will really be celebrating once I pass Stats. It’s the only course that I have been worried about. Mainly because it is the first course where I feel below average...However, after stats, it should be smooth sailing.. yea!

Trading for the investment challenge starts on the 8th, and that is really going to be a handful. Bossing boys is harder than it looks... Working in groups is always difficult. People have different timelines, and priorities, and when things aren’t graded, purpose takes on a whole new meaning.

I have sent out the script to a couple people for criticism. It’s so hard to wait for feedback. I really hope the images in my brain have translated well into words. I still have to organize so many things for the film, and I am so grateful for all the help. I haven’t decided about music yet – Do I have it or not? On a positive note, I just got an email about the film that I was part of last fall - it placed 7th in an Austrian film festival (it was an Austrian production) My role consisted of following the director around, and observing. Haha.. However, it set the stage for everything else.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i did crap for the accounting exam bleh, now i guess your genius performance is going to skew the curve great!
so bossing boys is hard? i thought girls excel at that...