Sunday, February 3, 2008

Biz Law....

I was so sceptical about this class over the holidays. Just confirms my theory that you can't judge a class based on the syllabus. It is one of the best courses I have taken so far. Okay, the macroeconomics course in the fall comes close. One of my classmates told me that GREAT classes are more about the profs rather than the content. I concur.

We had an entertaining class last week. We had to discuss the charter of rights and freedom in different situations. The issues spanned a diverse range of topics from drug testing at work to assisted suicide. He split us up into pro and con groups to discuss an issue and then an appointed spokesperson voiced our opinions. The arguments for each side were quite diverse and good, considering we had to come up with them in half an hour. The professor was obviously impressed with us that he posted a ‘thank you for an enlightening and entertaining class’. He said that at dinner later than night, he couldn’t stop talking about us. That’s a first! I have to give my classmates the kudos. I simply played the part of the observer.

The highlight of the class discussion was when we had to discuss whether lap dancing should be allowed in strip clubs or not. The prof had the foresight to tackle this issue last. The pro arguments were hilarious. Of course, you can imagine which side the girls chose and which side the guys chose.

As some of you know I document the words I learn in Business school. Let’s just say this business school education is giving me an all rounded education. Well, when the opposition was giving their arguments against lap dancing, the girl (of course it had to be a girl!) claimed that she had never heard of champagne rooms. I immediately thought silently ‘Me too. What are they?’.... :)

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