Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Hello Again

It has been a while, I know. I have been trying to think integratively and adapting to my new group.

We finished our ‘Foundations of Integrative Thinking’ class. In the last six weeks we have been overloaded with mental models, and the whole concept of integratively thinking. To be honest, I can’t actually say I understand what the course was all about. I am trying to review it in my brain and so far this is what I have come up with
Question the status quo and the information when making decisions,
Don’t assume blindly, and don’t make judgments rashly
Framing is integral to everything (in marketing a product, or presenting information)
Don’t rely on first impressions (They have not convinced me of this one)

But aren’t these all common sense ideas? It seems so, however very few people carry this out in real life.

One of the fun things we got to do for this course was pick some sort of social cause and create a presentation for it. This assignment actually sold me on the course. If each of us as business people walk away trying to make the world a difference better place, then the school has taught us well. We will be better business leaders in the future.

My team chose to solve the problem of increasing donations to silent tragedies. We chose to focus on WaterAid, an organization that helps provide sustainable water and sanitation solutions in developing countries.

If you’d like to know more about WaterAid, click on the video above. (I love the guys’ voice – he sounds like Chris Martin from Coldplay).

Moving along.. Being creatures of habit, all of us are still adjusting to our new group members. My old group had a ‘method’ that worked just right. We understood each other’s working habits, and quirky personality traits. We got along. Then just to make things interesting, the school decided to switch us all around, and we are all still adapting. It’s not easy, I’ll tell you. I find myself comparing my new group to my old group. I also find myself being less enthusiastic to bond with my new group. The excitement of being immersed in new activities and the possibility of making new friends has evaporated. I am not alone in this sentiment. Most of my classmates feel the same way. We liked it the way it was.

I really have surprised myself in terms of my own resistance to the team change. I always thought of myself as very adaptable I have changed jobs every 2 years, moved schools more than a kid should (6 times before university) and I have moved homes so many times, that I should be used to it. Pick up and leave. Make new friends. Keep some of the old friends along the way. But these aren’t new people. We already know them. We have already formed our biases in our minds. Whether they are correct or not is irrelevant. We have made them and this is where it is tough. When you meet someone new for the first time, you are more inclined to make more of an effort to make a new friend.

I can’t help but compare these changes to corporate re-orgs, and how resistant most people are to them. None of it seems to make sense at the time, but over time you gradually accept it. Why? Because you have no choice.


Anonymous said...

well to adapt to your new group you have to change your mental model and remove biasness from past group work ... blah blah..
bottom line when someone in your group says "i'll work on the slides" then don't even think about messing with the slides!


Anonymous said...


"But aren’t these all common sense ideas? It seems so, however very few people carry this out in real life."

Regarding this comment, the reason is we have all spent a lifetime being trained directly and indirectly in Critical Thinking which is based on ancient misunderstandings of how we tend to think naturally and how we have tended to regard the world as being made of parts which can be manipulated from one stable state to another.

To change the habit of tending to think like this we have to learn a new habit - Integrative Thinking. This can be done and I offer tools for doing it at As with changing other habits we have to memorize and practise applying the techniques in the tools. This is not very difficult because the tools contain simple, comprehensive and proven aids to memory.