Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Hello, six weeks later...

I did absolutely nothing on the six week break. I think I needed to do nothing though, as I really did feel burnt out after last semester. Remember the ‘fun’ list? Well I didn’t even cross off half the items on my ‘fun’ list... I only read two books from the stack of books sitting on my shelf.

Today was the first day back to school. There is a different vibe at school, as the school seems to be invaded my nameless full timers. Starting the part-timers in the summer is a smart idea. It gives us time to adapt to each other and to our surroundings. It’s an odd feeling to share the school with 400+ extra MBA students, not to mention the MiFs, undergrads...We are all going to be jostling for prof.’s attentions, networking opps, coffee, study space and more importantly bar space. Can you imagine being at Wharton or Harvard? (Okay I know some of you might, but that was never my dream) Apparently, the incoming class of MBA students is in the 800 range!! Can you imagine competing with 800 people for a job? Wow, makes me realize how much of a commodity the MBA designation really is.

I have been a little mopey and whiney lately at the thought of another semester at school. All the excitement of getting into MBA school seems to have worn out. I am now counting down the 3, possibly 2 years (!) till I graduate. I know, it’s all about the journey right? But what if while you are on a certain path, you realize that there are other paths you could be on. What if you could live somewhere else? What if there was a possibility of a dream job, but it was just the wrong timing?

A couple weeks ago, I was on Pixar’s website, and decided to check the job postings. I saw a posting for a Film Finance Lead at Pixar. The description said ‘reporting to the director of Finance, and a dotted line to the producer’. How amazing is that? It would combine what I am trained to do professionally and what I love to do in my spare time. I didn’t even know such a job existed. Naturally, given the fact that Pixar is in Emeryville, California, and Rotman is in Toronto, Canada, I had a lot to think about. Although the possibility of an interview is never certain, I always think very carefully about whether I want to apply for a specific job. After hours spent discussing the pros and cons with everyone, I decided not to apply. Interestingly, my mother thought otherwise.

But this is what life is like isn’t it? In order to get something new, we always have to give something else up. I have to keep reminding myself of how I will feel when I finally get this degree instead of all the missed opportunities along the way. Getting my accounting designation was one of the best feelings ever – I actually cried when I got the results! Yes, I was like one of those actresses who start crying when they receive their Oscars.. I know the MBA is worth it for me, and it will definitely open more doors. The hardest part is patience. I still derive some sadistic pleasure from logging onto Pixar’s website and staring at the job posting.


Anonymous said...

There will always be opportunities for similar positions down the road when the time is right. Emeryville is in a pretty cool location, but I think you made the right choice for now.
I agree that I'm glad they start us in the spring to get used to surroundings.... seemed a little overwhelming yesterday.
Are you going to any TIFF films? Plan to do some reviews on here?

Anonymous said...


Leaving a COMMENT :)

What's a MiF (for non-MBAers)?

As ms said, there will plenty of opportunities in the future. Everything seems to have a way of working out, one way or another.

Here's wishing you a great semester/term!

Bridget Jones said...

ms - yes, I've already seen 2 films and plan to see another one, and possibly one more.. I hadn't thought about posting my thoughts on TIFF - but why not right?

anon - MiF stands for Masters in Finance. Although you tell me you read my blog, this is Proof! :) Thank you for your comment!

Thank you both for your optimism about future film/finance opportunities. Fingers crossed!

Anonymous said...

Finally you updated your blog, so I guess I should update mine.
I'm in total agreement, the first day of school was pretty weird, not only sharing the building with the FTs but we're actually in a different classroom, brings back Negotiation memories from our MBA debut.
Sigh so today I just realize that I have a better chance of winning the 649 than landing a M.L. investment banking job.. bleh..

Take my advice, time to get married and have kids, who needs a career!


Bridget Jones said...

V - it's just the first session. Persistence is key!
btw, family and career are not mutually exclusive events!

September 13, 2007 11:10

Anonymous said...

"family and career are not mutually exclusive events!" wow someone is reading their stats text book!


Bridget Jones said...

V - I haven't bought the stats text yet! wanted one more weekend of no studying...